Feb 5, 2016

"I am aware that this statement will not affect the outcome of the defendant's sentence, however I want to let the court know that this was not my doing I wanted to stand up and face the monster who raped me."

When your trust has been shattered and you have been violated, it takes courage to stand up and tell your story in court. Jane Doe contacted me today and gave me permission to publish the statement she read at court at Markis Shirley's sentencing.

Although she was fine with using her real name, she was Jane Doe in court, and for her privacy I will not print her name. This is Jane Doe's space and I will not link my coverage of the case in this post. It is accessible through the search feature.

"I am aware that this statement will not affect the outcome of the defendant's sentence, however I want to let the court know that this was not my doing I wanted to stand up and face the monster who raped me. I wanted him to be labeled for what he is, a rapist. I wanted him to serve his time alongside others that committed the same horrifying crimes against humanity that he did. I wanted him to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life in hopes that it might save other girls from having to go through the same terrifying experience I suffered through. Unfortunately I am powerless over the decisions made today but I am NOT powerless to how I choose to let it affect my future. I will not let Mr shirley affect my life any further I will go on to live a happy healthy life and unlike mr. Surely I will be free unlike him he will be caged for being the animal he is. I want to let Mr surely know that in the future if and when he hurts another girl I will be there to fight with her and even for her if she can not this is my promise this is my word."

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