Oct 29, 2014

County to pay $700 one time money to employees instead of pay raise; Will Measure Z be used for public safety or for union contracts?

We have a County tax measure Z on this November's ballot for more money.

I heard something to the effect that the County just negotiated with their employees that they would not get a pay raise next year but they get a $700 bonus this year and the day after Christmas as an extra day off instead.

So I called Dan Fulks, the Personnel Director for the County. He clarified that the $700  is one-time money being paid to all members of the bargaining unit instead of ongoing raises. They do not have the money to commit to ongoing raises. This does not apply to extra help. This negotiation expires June 30 of next year.

So the question is do we need Measure Z? Is Sacramento taking away the money the problem or union contracts? People are paying hoping for better response time which means it should go towards extra "boots on the streets" not for raises for employees that have a pretty good job in a County where many people are unemployed or struggling.

When do the unions negotiate a contract where raises go to the employees that are struggling instead of an across the board. Some people can afford to stay at the pay scale they are at present. If you are making $100,000 a year, you can forego a raise or two.

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